III. Edition 2018

15 November - 21 November

Pamplona - San Sebastián - Bilbao


Transoceánica is a choreographic project that using dance, photographic images and sound for research.
It is based on listening to the natural environment to discuss a personal transformation process.

The loss of a loved one, a partner, a job, etc., loss in general sends us on an emotional journey with no return that leads to profound transformation.

Human beings have had a spiritual relationship with Nature for a long time. We talked to it and it talked to us, and in this way we understood our environment and our existence, accepting that they were one and the same.

With Transoceánica, we aim to restart this dialogue and see the environment and the individual as two profoundly linked concepts that cannot be conceived of without each other. The images of earth, drought, water, etc. appear as a projection of the soul. Nature emerges as if it were a mirror that helps us to see the emotional stages through which we cross the ocean of transformation.

Creation: Carmen Larraz and Uxue Montero
Creation and performance: Carmen Larraz
Photographic and audio-visual creation: Uxue Montero
Musical creation and performance: Hilario Rodeiro
Stage and light creation: David Bernués, Acrónica Producciones


Produced by Dinamo Danza, co-produced by Auditorio Barañain. With the collaboration and support of Residencia Periferia, Casa de Cultura de Aoiz, Festival DNA, Centro Arte Contemporáneo Huarte, Paso a Dos, La Caldera, Comunidad de Coreógrafos de Conde Duque.
With financial support from the Government of Navarre.

Where See full program

La Fundición Bilbao





